发酵糙米饭 大部分的谷类,如果没有经过泡水和发酵过程,它在我们身体的反应是酸性反应,虽然是弱酸性,一旦经过发酵过程,它的性质就变成弱碱性了。 发酵过的谷类,不但容易消化,也增加它的酵素和维他命B群含量,特别是B12. 糙米比白米營養多,但就跟大多數穀類一樣,含有大量植酸 ﹝phytic acid﹞,是反營養分子﹝anti-nutrient﹞,让它们不能被吸收,但经过泡水的过程,可以把它抛掉,酸化的过程可避免植酸 ﹝phytic acid﹞变成 phytin, phytin是有毒性的。 将谷类发酵后,吃后是会很舒服的,也会滋养我们。 同样的糙米比白米營養,要是沒经过發酵或發芽的糙米, 就算吃下肚,也是罔然,反而賠上一堆礦物質,對營養是負分。 如何把植酸去除掉而把那些養份變為可用呢? 以下是糙米發酵方法: (*)倒掉发酵的水可以拿来浇花或植物。 如此泡出之糙米,煮時間及水量宜稍減。一般人不喜糙米,皆因口感不佳,此法則無此問題,QQ 的不硬,但又比白米稍咬劲。還有此法用在泡豆時,煮出之豆不會漲氣,不過水要比泡米加多,因豆會泡成胖胖的。 Fermented Brown Rice Brown rice is more nutritious than white rice, but it is like most cereals, contain large amounts of phytic acid which is an anti-nutrient. Most people think that brown rice is more nutritious than white rice, it is not necessarily true. If not properly fermented or sprouted brown rice, it will cause more mineral and nutrients lost. That’s why sometimes it is not necessarily better to take refined grains. How to eliminate Phytic acid and let the nutrients absorb? The phytic acid contained in the grain is harmful to the body, it acts as a nature system to protect the grain, but wonderful thing is, it owned its “antidote” that “phytase”. At the appropriate time, so that proper nutrition can put out for reproduction of new bud. The following is the method of cooking fermented Brown Rice: Optional : (*) Drained water can be reused for watering flowers or plants. Most people do not like brown rice, because of poor taste and it roughness, however this method of sprouted brown rice makes the rice softer, moreover it has better bite than white rice. This method can also be used for soaking beans, it is good for our body and will not make us bloated after consumption. 食材浸泡总是需要较长时间,所以我都在睡前浸泡食材,起床时再洗净、沥干和烘干;当然你也可以早上浸泡,晚上再使用。如果一道食谱里有不同的食材,例如制作综合坚果奶,请分开浸泡再搅打。以下是我的浸泡基本指南: 以养水和古方酵素或环保酵素也可以,调成的液体覆盖食材。通常用食材容量两倍的水量, 以养水和古方酵素或环保酵素都可以,调成的液体覆盖食材。通常用食材容量两倍的水量。比如浸泡1杯薏米,就加入1汤匙的古方酵素或环保酵素和2杯(480毫升)的养水,再把食材泡在裡面。 用薄餐巾布盖住容器,让食材呼吸,在室温下静置一段特定的时间。有些坚果、种籽和谷物浮在表面是正常现象,有些是坏掉的,丢弃就好。有时会看到表面有杂质,盖着一层膜,底部有些许沉淀。这些是浸泡出来的抗营养因子,留在容器里可比吃进身体里好! 彻底洗净。用筛子或滤网倒出容器里的食材,清洗容器,再把食材倒回去。用清水重新注满容器,完整地覆盖食材,淘洗后再滤干冲洗。 刚泡好的坚果和种籽适合马上打成奶、奶酱、蔬果昔、汤和甜点。也可以烘干泡过的食材拿来当零食,或制作抹酱、派皮跟粉类。泡过的谷物可以烹煮、运用在食谱中或烘干。另外,也可以催芽泡过的坚果种籽或谷物。果干或蔬菜等食材浸泡过后需马上使用。
穀是種子,帶有植酸,對人類是有害之物,是大自然用來保護其幼苗之法,但妙在也自備了「解藥」,即植酸酶﹝phytase﹞。在適當時機,讓那些養分可適 放出來供其子孫幼芽用。
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