Home » Healthy Recipe | 健康食谱 » 六和果菜汁 Healthy Vegetable Juice

六和果菜汁 Healthy Vegetable Juice




  1. 生菜(油麦菜) – 4片(有益于肌肉、骨质、筋和肺)
  2. 细芹菜 – 2枝(帮助血液循环和使血管更健康)
  3. 红番茄(中) – 1粒(使血球健康)
  4. 青苹果(连皮和子) – 1粒(给脾提供很高的储备能量)
  5. 柠檬 – 半粒 (恢复免疫能力)
  6. 大白洋葱 – ⅛ 小片,选择性(益于心脏)
  7. 蜂蜜 – 2汤匙(提供总能量)
  8. Dr Ros古方酵素 – 2汤匙
  9. 饮用水 – 适量(500至750毫升)


  1. 用两汤匙Dr Ros环保酵素对1公升水,泡45分钟(去除农药、重金属细菌及寄生虫的卵)。
  2. 把所有材料切小块,放入果汁机打(1分钟)成果汁后马上喝完。


  1. 因有添加酵素可存放6小时,果汁将变成蔬菜优乳格,这也对身体非常好。
  2. 每日餐前饮用,每日3杯或至少2杯


腹泻 清理肠道
呕吐 清理胃
发高烧、出汗和经常排尿 清理血液
呼出臭气并从体内排除痰状物 清理肺
全身疲软 身体正在排除废物和毒素,细胞开始恢复健康

Healthy Vegetable Juice

Ingredients :

  1. Chinese celery (medium size)  – 4 stalks (help blood circulation and strengthen the blood vessel)
  2. Lettuce – 2 stalks (help muscle, bone, tendon or veins and lung)
  3. Lemon/lime – ½ (strengthen immune system)
  4. Tomato – 1 (strengthen blood corpuscle)
  5. Yellow onion – ⅛, optional (good for heart)
  6. Green apple (with seeds) – 1 (strengthen spleen, get  more energy)
  7. Honey – 2 tbsp. (provide total energy)
  8. Dr Ros Classic / Graceful Enzyme – 2 tbsp.
  9. Drinking water – 500 to 750 ml


  1. Use 2 tbsp. Dr. Ros Eco-enzyme + 1 liter of water soak all ingredients for 45 mins. (it will dissolve pesticide heavy metal, germ, parasite and vermin).
  2. Cut all fruits and vegetables into smaller pieces and put into the blender and blend it for 1 minute, drink immediately.


  1. Because enzyme is added, the juice can be stored  for 6 hrs. at room temperature, it turn into vegetable yogurt which is good for the body.
  2. To be consume daily before meal, 3 times or at least 2 times a day.


Diarrhea Intestinal Cleansing
Vomiting Stomach Cleansing
High fever, sweating and frequently Urinating Blood Cleansing
Eliminate breath odor and mucus discharged from the body Lung Cleansing

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