Home » Healthy Recipe | 健康食谱 » 消炎水 Anti-Inflammation Juice

消炎水 Anti-Inflammation Juice




  1. 小苦瓜 – 1颗(切片)
  2. 蒜头 – 1至2瓣 (切块)*不吃五辛者可免
  3. 柠檬 – 1粒 (切片)
  4. 麻疯柑 – 1粒(切片)
  5. 消炎茶、咳嗽茶 – 50至100毫升
  6. 饮用水(温) – 750~1000毫升




Anti-Inflammation Juice

Ingredients :

  1. Small bitter gourd – 1 (sliced)
  2. Garlic – 1 to 2 cloves (sliced)
    * Optional for those who practice pure vegetarian diet
  3. Lemon – 1 (sliced)
  4. Kaffir lime – 1
  5. Anti-inflammatory Syrup, cough Syrup – 50 to 100 ml
  6. Drinking water (warm) – 750~1000ml

Method: mixed well all ingredient in a container and wait for an hour before consume (for whole day)

Remark: add more garlic and lemon when phlegmatic cough.

Effect: increase metabolism, elimination of body heat to increase immune system.

Jus Sihat untuk Anti-Radang

Ingredients :

  1. Peria kecil – 1 (hiris)
  2. Bawang putih – 1 to 2 ulas (hiris)
    * Optional for those who practice pure vegetarian diet
  3. Lemon – 1 (hiris)
  4. Anti-inflammatory Syrup, cough Syrup – 50 to 100 ml
  5. Air minuman (suam) – 750~1000ml

Method: campurkan semua bahan dalam bekas dan biarkan selama 1 jam sebelum diminum (sepanjang hari).

Catatan: tambahkan lebih banyak bawang putih dan lemon sekiranya batuk berkahak.

Kesan : mempercepatkan metabolisme, penghapusan badan panas dan meningkatkan fungsi imun.

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