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酵素养油 (净化食用油) | Enzyme Purified Oil (Cooking Oil Purification)

认识脂肪酸酵素养油Fatty AcidsEnzyme Ourified Oil





脂肪酸的类型 :

1. 饱和脂肪酸 (Saturated fatty acids):


2. 不饱和脂肪酸 (Unsaturated fatty acids):


  • 單元不飽和脂肪酸(Monosaturated fatty acids) 是属于非必需脂肪酸(non-essential fatty acids),可以在体内合成,例如ω-9(Omega-9)系列脂肪酸。单元不饱和脂肪有助于降低低密度脂蛋白(LDL)所携带的胆固醇(常被俗称为“坏胆固醇”),能提高高密度脂蛋白(HDL)所携带的胆固醇(常被俗称为“好胆固醇”),这样能减低患上冠心病之风险。
  • 多元不饱和脂肪酸(Polyunsaturated fatty acids): 其中Ω3、Ω6又称为人体必需脂肪酸,人体无法自行制造,必须从食物摄取。由于过量的Ω6会干扰Ω3对健康的益处,因此两者必须达到平衡。Ω3多元不饱和脂肪酸中含有对人体最重要的两种成分-DHA和EPA。

3. 反式脂肪酸 (Trans fatty acids):




  1. 提炼法-只要用于动物油的提取。
  2. 压榨法- 冷榨法:确保各种营养成分不被破坏,不饱和脂肪酸的含量高。热榨法:使种子的蛋白质产生质变、破坏种 子的组织细胞,降低油脂与磷脂质结合,油 容易脱出,提高种子出油率。加热会使产生榨出油产生褐变,油色会变深。
  3. 浸出法 (溶剂萃取法) 工业化的大量生产都是使用溶剂萃取法。节省成本,增加出油率。溶剂脱出过程必须加温高达 250℃ 以上,会使油脂造成裂变,产生致癌物苯并芘。高温可能导致油脂氢化,其成分对心血管造成威胁。即使进行六脱,油脂中的化学溶剂大抵清除,仍可能残留化学溶剂。且油脂中的营养成分也被脱除殆尽。



  1. 运用高温(260℃)→高压→溶剂粹油→脱溶剂→脱胶→脱酸→水洗→漂白脱色→除味脱臭,把所谓的杂质去掉,而达到精纯、可久放的精制油。
  2. 油的三大问题:精制、氢化和氧化
  3. 健康第一招:多吃「好油」,少吃「坏油」

酵素养 (净化食用油)





  1. 酵素养水
  2. 古方酵素
  3. 食用油
  4. 苦瓜、各种蔬菜的叶子或者能吃的各种香草、香叶、姜等


  1. 先将各种菜类与苦瓜用环保酵素浸泡。
  2. 将酵素养水 300ml 加古方酵素 50ml 放入锅内煮开,水煮开后才将 1000cc 食用油倒入锅中。
  3. 油沸腾后将各种蔬果的叶子(黄了的菜叶进入油中,丰富油的营养)或者能吃的各种香草、香叶,盖锅盖,让他们慢慢烹煮。
  4. 小火煮到锅里的叶子酥脆了就可以把脆叶子捞出来滤干油。
  5. 然后把这好油,待凉后装瓶备用即可。

备注 :

  1. 开始时,我们会看到油变得浑浊,慢慢的当油分子变细小时,就会变回清澈透亮。
  2. 特别是用黄色的蔬菜叶子,它能把油里的染质抽离出来转化掉。
  3. 锅里看着在沸腾的油,手却是可以伸进去摸油,油感觉是热的,却不烫手,这说明油的品质没有被高温烹炸的过程破坏。
  4. 养油后的脆叶子捞出来滤干油后,捣烂,随意加入饮用酵素、酱油、黑醋等调味—即成为美味的酱料。
  5. 可配生菜色拉、可拌面、拌饭、配粥等。


  1. 用这些净化好了的小分子油来炸食物,不用担心油烟,食物不含油,非常酥脆,入口即化,吃了也不上火。
  2. 用来烹煮菜肴时,味道鲜美,吃起来口感也不油腻,吃进嘴里爽口香脆清甜,最后留在碟子里的残油也不黏在碟上,非常容易清洗。
  3. 烹饪后厨房再也不油烟,不再高温热,地上也不再黏腻,墙壁也容易清理。


  1. 根据回锅油做的实验,必需要在连续三到五天,每天反复高温油炸八小时的情况下,才会产生有毒物。 经过长时间油炸的油,确实会产生有毒的环状单体与极性聚合物,吃多了对肝脏或消化器官都不好。 因此,一般家庭中的回锅油,如果只是重复使用二、三次,并不至于对人体有害 。
  2. 养油是利用酵素水中温快速发酵净化,将植物里有一些我们平常摄取不到的微量元素萃取出来使油品更丰富。 我们吃养过的油,因它是极小分子,很快进入细胞膜,细胞是脂溶性的,油也是脂溶性与细胞结合性高,所以吃养油比酵素反应快。 酵素是水溶性,它是因为分子小易进入细胞膜。
  3. 乐素昆博士说:用酵素把油变成 “钻石”,如果你能通过厨房建立健康,其他所有的事就不在话下了。

Fatty Acids

First step of health: Consume more quality oil, less non-quality oil

Fatty acids are acids that are produced when fat is broken down. They are considered to be “good fat.” This acid is not readily soluble in water but can be utilized as energy by most of human body cells.

Fatty acids help to deliver oxygen in the blood to all parts of the body. They also help cellular membrane developing, strengthening and functional; it is essential for strong bones and body tissues. It also regulates physiological functions such as: providing essential fatty acids and inhibiting gastric juice secretion.

Fatty acids also play an important role in keeping your skin healthy; prevent premature aging thus promoting weight loss through managing the body’s cholesterol. More importantly, they help to clear cholesterol accumulated in the arteries. Another function of fatty acids is to assist the adrenal gland and thyroid gland, so it has a role in regulating body weight.

Type of fatty acid:

1. Saturated fatty acids

Essential fat and energy required by human body which can be form by the body, but excessive intake will increase blood viscosity, increasing blood cholesterol and cholesterol, and causing arteriosclerosis. Animal fat have the highest content of saturated fatty acids.

2. Unsaturated fatty acids

It is an indispensable substance in the human body. When it is sufficient in human body, then the skin will be smooth and moist, hair will be dark silky shine and the appearance glow; therefore, the unsaturated fatty acid is also called the “beauty acid”. It is divided into monosaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

  • Monosaturated fatty acids: Are non-essential fatty acids that can be synthesized in the body, such as the omega-9 fatty acids. Monounsaturated fat helps low density cholesterol (usually known as “bad cholesterol”) carried by low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and increases cholesterol (often known as “good” Cholesterol”) carried by high-density lipoprotein (HDL) which reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids: Among them, Ω3 and Ω6 are also called essential fatty acids. It cannot produce by human body therefore must be obtained from food. Since excess Ω6 interferes with the health benefits of Ω3, both must be in balance. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids contain two components that are most important to the human body – DHA and EPA.

3. Trans-fatty acids

Trans-fatty acids are types of unsaturated fatty acids that are unhealthy that are present in small amounts in natural fats. Because vegetable oil is easily oxidized, a hydrogen atom is added to make the oil into a hydrogenated vegetable oil (commonly known in creamer, margarine, shortening, oil that are widely used in bread and etc.), however, hydrogenated vegetable oils contain a lot of trans fatty acids, which is why hydrogenated fats are the main source of trans fatty acids. In the process of refining and odour elimination of oil, the high temperature treatment increases the trans-fatty acid content in fat. At the same time, heating the oil which produced smoke or repeatedly frying food in cooking, also leads to an increase of trans-fatty acids content in the oil. Excessive intake will increase low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (bad cholesterol) in plasma and lower the high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (good cholesterol), causing higher risk of coronary heart disease. It also increases blood viscosity and causes thrombosis, arteriosclerosis, and decline in brain function.

The risk of heart and brain disease increases  with every 2% increment of trans fatty acids in the diet.

Process of oil manufacturing:

1. Refining method only used for the extraction of animal oil.

2. Pressing method

Cold pressing method: to ensure that various nutrients are not destroyed and higher unsaturated fatty acids content.

Hot pressing method: the quality of the seed’s protein is changed, the tissue cells of the seed are destroyed, preventing oil from combining with the phospholipid, oil is easily released, and the oil yield of the seed improved. Heating causes browning and darkening colour of the pressed oil.

3. Leaching method (solvent extraction method) solvent extraction used in industrial mass production. Save costs and increase oil yield. The removal process of solvent involved heating up to 250°C or higher, this causes fission of the oil which produced carcinogen benzopyrene. High temperatures may cause hydrogenation of oils and this composition poses a cardiovascular threat. Although the solvent elimination is being carried out and mostly removed from fat, still residue may remain. Thus the nutrients in the oil are also removed.

Six stage of removal:

  • Wax removal
  • Gum removal
  • Dehydration
  • Colorization removal
  • Deodorization
  • Acidification removal

Enzyme Purified Oil

Enzyme plays an important role in oil purification so that we do not feel oily, indigestion or bloated after consuming food. Therefor we should learn how to use enzymes purified oil.

The molecular of enzyme purified oil are smaller;

the nutrients are more complete and richer.

Not only is it healthier but also more easily absorbed by the body, the fragrance is softer and mellower.


  1. Enzyme purified water
  2. Dr Ros Classic enzyme
  3. Edible oil
  4. Bitter gourd, leaves of various vegetables or various fragrant leaves, ginger and etc.


  1. Soak all kinds of vegetables and bitter gourd with eco-enzyme
  2. Pour 300ml of enzyme purified water and 50ml of Dr Ros Classic enzyme into a pot and boil. When boiling, pour 1000cc of cooking oil into the pot
  3. When the oil starts to boil, add in bitter gourd, leaves of various vegetables or various fragrant leaves, ginger (leaves which turns yellow may be add also to enhance the nutrition of the oil), cover the lid, let them cook at low heat
  4. Boiled the leaves in the pot until crispy, remove the crispy leaves and filter the oil
  5. When the oil turns green then chemicals additive in the oil are purified
  6. Let the oil to cool down then bottle it for later use

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