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个人护理 – 空腔护理 Oral Care

守護健康的大門──牙齒.口腔- 康健雜誌




  • 帮助内脏的排泄
    舌头是人体最清楚的反射区,每天关 照可以了解自己的健康状况;常刮舌苔更可达到按摩内脏的功能。
舌苔颜色 粉红色 白色 黄色 灰色 紫黑
代表意义 健康 阴阳失调 发炎 慢性病 重病
  • 消除口臭
    口臭的原因有50% 以上来自于舌苔的累积。
  • 保持口腔清洁


(一) 油疗漱口


  • 血液疾病
  • 肺和肝的疾病
  • 牙齿牙龈疾病
  • 头痛
  • 皮肤疾病
  • 胃溃疡
  • 肠道问题
  • 食欲不良
  • 心脏和肾脏疾病
  • 脑炎
  • 神经状态
  • 记忆不佳
  • 妇科疾病
  • 脸部肿胀
  • 眼袋




油疗漱口 并不能代替刷牙,还是应该持之以恒地每天在吃完东西后刷牙。在没有蛀牙问题和牙龈疾病,健康的保持良好的情况下,至少应该在每天早餐前做一至两次油漱。油漱的最佳时间是在午餐前或是晚上吃完晚餐以及睡前。



(二) 酵素漱口

每天早晨起床后,用一瓶盖(5-6 毫升)或环保酵素加入一杯干净水中漱口。


  • 杀菌,减少口腔异味。
  • 排痰,清喉。
  • 减少牙龈出血。
  • 排出口腔内毒素。
  • 清除口腔隐藏之化学物如:味精、人工色素、防腐剂及食品添加剂等。
  • 调整清淡并健康的味蕾。
  • 改善口腔淋巴系统。
  • 增加唾液以促进消化系统。
  • 减轻喉咙疼痛。

Oral Care

(1) Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is a simple yet very effective method for blood purification. It has effects on various health conditions including:

  • blood
  • lung and liver
  • teeth and gum
  • headaches
  • skin
  • stomach ulcers
  • intestinal problems
  • poor appetite
  • heart and kidney
  • encephalitis
  • neurological status
  • poor memory
  • gynecological diseases
  • swelling of the face
  • eye bags

This practice involves swishing oil in your mouth.

In the morning after waking up before breakfast, put a tablespoon of oil in your mouth and start swishing it for 3 to 4 minutes, then spit the oil out, do not swallow the oil. This allows the oil and saliva to mix completely and activate the secreted enzymes. This enzyme draws the toxins from the blood. You will find that when this oil is full of toxins and billions of harmful bacteria, it will appear milky white or yellow.

During illnesses, this procedure can be repeated three times a day, but do it on an empty stomach. During oil pulling, toxins which the liver fails eliminate or detoxify are removed from the blood, it brings great relieve and support to liver function.

Oil pulling is not a substitute for brushing your teeth; you should always brush your teeth every day after eating. In the absence of tooth decay and gum disease, and healthy conditions, you should at least do oil pulling once or twice a day before breakfast. The best time to do oil pulling is before lunch or after dinner at night before bed.

If you are currently having gum disease, tooth decay or any serious health problems, it is suggested to follow this treatment advice. Do oil pulling at least three times a day, once before each meal.

Preferred oil for oil pulling: pure natural coconut oil, sunflower oil.

(2) Enzyme Gargling

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Every morning after waking up, dilute a cap of Eco-enzyme (5-6 ml) into a glass of purified water to gargle with your mouth.


  • Disinfecting, reduce bad breath
  • Clears the throat, expectorate
  • Reduce gum bleeding
  • Eliminate toxins in the oral cavity
  • Remove hidden chemicals in the oral cavity such as MSG, artificial colouring, preservatives and food additives
  • Promote healthier taste buds
  • Improve oral lymphatic system
  • Increase saliva; enhance digestive system
  • Relieves soared throat.

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