- 芳香化湿,醒脾开胃,发表解暑。用于湿浊中阻,脘痞呕恶,口中甜腻,口臭,多涎,暑湿表症,头胀胸闷。
- 抗炎及抗病原微生物作用,还具有抗癌作用。含有蛋白质、糖及维生素等营养。
- 性味甘淡、微寒、有清热、解毒、祛淤、消肿作用,可治疗白喉、百日咳、痢疾、痔疮、跌打损伤等症。
- 荳蔻具有相當的療效,可治療失眠、咳嗽、氣喘、發燒、消化系統等毛病。
- 除了被當作香料使用外,還被用作加強胃部消化的藥物, 可用來治療記憶力衰退的突發性暈眩, 具有振奮情緒的功能。
- 豆蔻不但能夠治療普通 的腸胃不適,而且還有提振性慾的功能。豆蔻果肉和假種皮都有去除口臭的功效。
- 豆蔻有鬆馳神經的藥效,豆蔻驅風,對腰酸背痛療效很好。
- 豆蔻均具有抗氧化的有效成份,从中提炼的挥发油可制作抗肌肤老化的化妆品。
- 肉豆蔻中的豆蔻酚还具有抑制癌细胞增殖的功效,有人把豆蔻磨成细粉,每餐之后吃上1克具有醒脑健脾,帮助消食;据说还是防癌保健品。
- 其种仁入药,可治虚泻冷痢、脘腹冷痛、呕吐等;外用可作寄生虫驱除剂,治疗风湿痛等。 此外,还可作调味品、工业用油原料等。
Nutmeg Enzyme 2nd fermentation
7 Benefits of nutmeg:
Known as a popular spice around the world, nutmeg is also popular for its many health benefits. In fact, since ancient times, nutmeg has been used as a remedy for various ailments or to improve health in general. Here are some of the health benefits that nutmeg provides.
- Brain Tonic
During ancient times, Roman and Greek civilizations used nutmeg as a type of brain tonic. This is because nutmeg can effectively stimulate your brain. As a result, it can help eliminate fatigue and stress. If you are suffering from anxiety or depression, nutmeg may also be a good remedy. Nutmeg can also improve your concentration so you can become more efficient and focused at work or at school. - Pain Relief
Nutmeg is also an effective sedative. In fact, nutmeg is a staple in ancient Chinese medicine. The Chinese used the spice to treat inflammation and abdominal pain. Use nutmeg if you are suffering from aching joints, muscle pain, arthritis, sores and other ailments. To relieve the pain, apply nutmeg oil to the affected areas. - Indigestion Relief
If you suffer from digestion-related problems like diarrhea, constipation, bloating, flatulence and so on, nutmeg can effectively offer you relief. Nutmeg oil relieves stomachaches by removing the excess gas from your intestines. Nutmeg can also boost your appetite. - Bad Breath Treatment
Because of its antibacterial properties, nutmeg can also effectively treat halitosis or bad breath. As you probably know, bad breath is usually caused by a build-up of bacteria in your mouth. Nutmeg can rid your mouth of these bacteria. This is the reason why nutmeg is a common ingredient in many brands of toothpastes. Nutmeg can also be used to treat gum problems and toothaches. - Liver and Kidney Detox
Detoxification is an important factor of good health. Diet, pollution, stress, tobacco, medication and other external substances can lead to the build-up of toxins in your organs. The liver and kidney are two of the organs where this toxic build-up usually develops. As a tonic, nutmeg can clean your liver and kidney and remove these toxins. If you are suffering from a liver disease then nutmeg can also be beneficial. Nutmeg is also effective in preventing and dissolving kidney stones. When your liver and kidney are successfully detoxified, they can perform their function better. - Skin Care
If skin care is one of your priorities then you might want to incorporate nutmeg into your regimen. Nutmeg can actually help you achieve smoother and healthier skin by helping you treat several skin problems. A scrub made from nutmeg powder and orange lentil powder can help you remove blackheads, a type of acne characterized by pores clogged with excess oil and dead skin cells. If you suffer from acne marks, nutmeg can also help make your scars less noticeable. What you need to do is mix some nutmeg powder with some honey to make a paste, which you will then apply to the acne marks. - Sleep Aid
If you have difficulty sleeping at night, drink a cup of milk with some nutmeg powder. This will help you achieve relaxation and will induce sleep.
Nutrition Facts and Information about Nutmeg: Nutmeg is rich in potassium, calcium,phosphorus and magnesium. It has good amount of sodium and small amount of iron, zinc, copper,manganese and selenium.
Vitamin Content of Nutmeg: Nutmeg has good amount of Vitamin A, C and choline. It also has small amount of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, Vitamin B6 and folate.
Calorie Content of Nutmeg: 100g of Nutmeg has 525 calories. Calories from fat are 304.
Health Benefits of Nutmeg: Nutmeg cures stomach ache, diarrhea and helps to detoxify the body, reduces blood pressure and increases blood circulation. It is also good for digestion, reducingacidity, relieving vomiting, flatulence and is used as a medicine for respiratory problems.
Nutmeg and mace contain many chemical compounds that are known to have anti¬oxidant, disease-preventing, and health-promoting properties. The nut contains trirnyristin and many essential volatile oils. Nutmeg also has many therapeutic applications in many traditional medicines for its anti-fungal, anti-depressant, aphrodisiac, digestive, and carminative properties.
Therapeutic Benefit
Mind: Nutmeg is warming, energizing, and stimulates the mind. It also fights anxiety and is an aphrodisiac.
Body: Nutmeg is analgesic, anti-emetic, and anti-inflammatory. It is a valuable hair tonic and digestive aid (because it breaks down fats). Nutmeg is a muscle relaxant that lessens pain of neuralgia, muscular aches, rheumatism, sprains, gout, and lumbago. It also stimulates the heart, circulatory system, and appetite. Some use Nutmeg to eliminate toxins associated with bad breath.
Spirit: Nutmeg is reported to increase psychic awareness and prosperity.
As well as providing relief for a list of ailments like rheumatism, limb pains, general aches, and inflammation; the drug has been used for its sedative effect and to treat upset stomachs. A host of studies suggest myristicin, one of the active chemicals in nutmeg, may even reduce and inhibit the growth of tumors.
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