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回春水 Rejuvelac



回春水是自然疗法医生安 • 威格摩尔(Dr. Ann Wigmore)对大家健康的贡献。作法简单、实践容易,但它的保健功效往往出人意料之外。


回春水的营养成份除了小麦本身已有的,如维他命E,还有维他命C、加倍的维他命B羣(B12在内)和酵素,一般说法认为吃全素的人会缺B12,动物食物才有B12,但草食动物又怎么摄取B12?事实上,微生物(友善的细菌)是制造B12的来源。只要我们肠子的内在环境健康,友善的微生物会提供我们所需要的所有维他命B羣,问题是肉食者肠内腐化细菌多,则友善细菌无法生存。 还有抗生素、防腐剂和化学汙染都会造成肠内的微生物死亡,因此才有现代人的现象,虽吃的量多,但健康情况很差,要恢复肠内的健康,回春水可提供一个捷径,也可补充所缺的营养,安医生曾说在食用放射性处理过的食物后,伤了肠胃,她就靠回春水恢复肠子的健康

美国从一九八六年以来,开始用放射性Cobalt 60、Cesium 137处理某些食物,如小麦、牛奶、肉、蔬菜等,以延长存放时间,处理过的食物不必附上说明,而且是依政府通过的法令,消费者完全没有保障,在这种情况下,更要注意保护肠子的健康。



  • 小麦种子
  • 过滤水




1. 催芽 – 将小麦洗净,浸泡6至8小时后将水倒掉。

2. 发芽 – 把浸泡过的小麦平铺在尼龙网上,再以湿布盖上,置放在阴凉处48小时待发芽。

3. 把发了芽的小麦(芽大约1公分长)挑选出来,准备做发酵。

4. 发酵 – 把已发芽的小麦放入玻璃瓶中,再加入3倍的过滤水放在室温发酵24小时。

5. 发酵后呈米白色(半透明)的水即是回春水,可以取出饮用。

6. 剩下的小麦可以再次加 3倍的过滤水放在室温发酵24小时 。


  1. 回春水的味道是点酸的,同时有点甘甜。 如果觉得太酸,可以加水饮用。
  2. 如果做好的回春水发臭,是因为没有把没发芽的麦芽挑出(坏的麦芽会导致发臭)。
  3. 做好的回春水可以纯放在冰箱里,但最好是当天做好的当天喝完。
  4. 一般上,第发酵一天的味道较淡,发酵两天或三天的会相比较酸。
  5. 有病患者一天可以喝四杯以上,平常人随自己喜欢,至少一杯。
  6. 用麦类制做回春水可以重复两次,米类则最多两次
  7. 回春水倒出后剩下的谷物即已经发酵的谷物,酵素及维生素B含量已增加。
  8. 发酵后的谷物可以在煮粥、煮饭时加入或打碎后加入蔬菜丝做煎饼,口感极佳又健康。

Rejuvelac, The Probiotic Super Drink

“Rejuvelac” is a contribution to everyone’s health by Dr. Ann Wigmore, a naturopathic physician. The method is simple, easy to practice, but its health benefits are often unexpected.

Rejuvelac contains abundant enzymes and yeast bacteria. In addition, it is rich in protein, dextrin, saccharin, lactobacillus, yeast, and koji. Therefore, it has a good effect on the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, constipation, malnutrition, and the body’s metabolism.

In addition to the nutrients already present in wheat, such as vitamin E, Rejuvelac also contains vitamin C, a doubled amount of vitamin B complex (including B12), and enzymes. It is commonly believed that vegetarians may lack B12, as it is only found in animal foods. However, how do herbivores obtain B12? In fact, microorganisms (friendly bacteria) are the source of B12 production. As long as the internal environment of our intestines is healthy, friendly bacteria will provide us with all the necessary vitamin B complex. The problem arises when the intestines of meat eaters have more putrefactive bacteria, which prevent the survival of friendly bacteria. Additionally, antibiotics, preservatives, and chemical pollutants can cause the death of intestinal microorganisms. This is why modern people often experience poor health despite consuming large amounts of food. To restore intestinal health, Rejuvelac can provide a shortcut and supplement the missing nutrients. Dr. Ann Wigmore once said that after consuming food treated with radiation, which harmed her digestive system, she relied on Rejuvelac to restore the health of her intestines.

Since 1986, the United States has been using radioactive Cobalt 60 and Cesium 137 to treat certain foods such as wheat, milk, meat, and vegetables to prolong their shelf life. Treated foods do not need to be labeled, and this is done according to government regulations, leaving consumers completely unprotected. In such circumstances, it is even more important to pay attention to the health of our intestines.

Rejuvelac DIY


  • Wheat berries
  • Filtered water


Glass jar, fine mesh tray, cloth


  1. Soaking
    Clean the wheat, soak it for 6 to 8 hours then drain off the water.
  2. Germinating
    Spread the soaked wheat on the mesh tray, cover it with a damp cloth, and place it in a cool place for 48 hours to germinate (sprouting).
  3. Select only the germinated wheat (the radicle are about 1 cm long) and get ready for fermentation.
  4. Fermentation
    Put the germinated wheat into a glass bottle, add 3 times amount of filtered water and let it ferment at room temperature for 24 hours.
  5. The off-white (translucent) water after fermentation is rejuvelac, which can be extracted for consumption.
  6. The remaining wheat can be fermented at room temperature for 24 hours with same amount of water.


  • The taste of rejuvelac is a bit sour and sweet at the same time. If you feel it is too sour, you can add in water.
  • If the rejuvelac is smelly, it is because the ungerminated wheat has not been picked out (ungerminated wheat can spoilt the rejuvelac causing it smelly).
  • The rejuvelac can be stored in the refrigerator, but ideally to finish it on the same day as it is done.
  • Usually, on the first day of fermentation, the rejuvelac should taste relatively light, and the taste turn more sour after two or three days of fermentation.
  • People who are ill can drink more than four cups a day, and healthy people can drink at least one cup as they like.
  • The remaining of the grain (wheat or rice) can be fermented up to 2 rounds.
  • After the rejuvelac is extracted, the content of enzymes and vitamin B of the remaining grains are increased.
  • The fermented grains can be added to porridge or rice for cooking. It can be also blended into batter and add in shredded vegetables to make pancakes, which taste great and are healthy.

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